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- /*
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- animInfo.rexx
- This script demonstrates the ARexx-animInfo-command.
- Copyright ©1996 WK-Artworks
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if ~show('P','Wildfire') then do
- say " Error: The Wildfire-program must be started before executing this script."
- exit
- end
- ch1='22'x
- address 'Wildfire'
- options results
- t_getanimdrawer
- preset=result
- t_getfile preset
- fn=result
- if fn="" then exit
- t_animinfo fn
- t_getwidth
- width=result
- t_getheight
- height=result
- t_getdepth
- depth=result
- t_getframes
- frames=result
- if ~open(script,"t:wf.tmp",'W') then do
- /* message "Error: Couldn't open script"*/
- exit
- end
- call writeln(script,"The selected animation")
- call writeln(script,ch1 || fn || ch1)
- call writeln(script,"has a resolution of " || width || "x" || height || "x" || depth)
- call writeln(script,"and consists of " || frames || " frames.")
- call close(script)
- txt_text "t:wf.tmp"
- txt_wait
- address command "delete >NIL: t:wf.tmp"